Tidal power complements wind and solar. Like nuclear, it is completely predictable, giving baseload power, but is far, far cheaper and quicker to build. This is a global opportunity, with our focus initially on the perfect conditions around the UK, Ireland and northern France.

The benefits of Porpoise
Shallow and in low flow sites allow electricity to be generated close to the user, whether they be single units serving communities & businesses, or arrays serving cities.
Sitting low on the water, they will not interfere with the views, and with fins moving at half the speed of the flow, they will become a haven for marine life.
A modular approach and low capital infrastructure requirement means we target to be competitive with offshore wind.


We’re delighted to be supported in our quest by our fantastic investors Zero Carbon Capital, Creator Fund and OSE among others, together with Innovate.
If you’d like to have a Porpoise powering your business or community, or would be interested in investing, do get in touch.